The mild Bay Area weather makes it feasible to reroof nearly year round. While most homeowners choose to wait until the “rainy” season is over, even during winter months, the sunny days outnumber the rainy ones.
That being said, Signature Roofing, Inc., a roofing company serving San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, experiences an influx of reroofing requests at the beginning of summer. Come fall, our reroof contractors are swamped. It feels like they don’t step foot on solid ground again until winter rolls around.
The best time to reroof your San Mateo or Santa Clara County home? Any time between mid-April and June. Signature Roofing, Inc. receives more roofing inspection requests and gives homeowners more roofing estimates in spring. It’s not too hot, not too cold and there’s little chance for rainfall. The time is just right for reroofing services.
We go to extreme measures to keep your home protected, and never remove a roof until all roofing shingles and materials are on site and ready to go. We check weather forecasts like a meteorologist and would postpone a reroof job rather than take the risk of leaving a home unprotected.
We’re into June now so the majority of homeowners who’ll reroof this year have already gathered roofing estimates. Hopefully your potential roofer provided important information to review. Signature Roofing, Inc. includes all the following in our roofing quotes: competitive reroof pricing, a long list of references, a detailed Roofing Process Guide, and a series of emails explaining roof materials, decking, venting, warranties, insurance permits, and inspections. Everything you need to make an informed decision on roofers.
It’s a good idea to make your decision sooner rather than later. Why?
Waiting to reroof can cost more money because of possible price increases (a hurricane could increase wood prices) and higher hourly wage rates. And if you wait too long, you face the potential for an early rainy season, cooler temperatures, a scheduling backlog, and even the possibility that we have too much work to take on your reroof. Unlike some Bay Area roofing companies, Signature Roofing, Inc. doesn’t hire temporary or subcontract labor during our busy season. Our roofing crews have been with our company for years, and they can be trusted to do a reroof job right.
Whether or not you choose Signature Roofing, Inc., (and we hope you do), now is the perfect time to reroof your home. Take advantage of the weather, current pricing and schedule your reroof today.