Should your roofer pull a roofing permit? Absolutely. Will every roofer pull a permit? Not necessarily. Pulling a permit for roofing protects the homeowner; therefore it’s in your best interest.
Sure a roofer can reroof your home without a permit. But what happens when a city inspector drives by your home, stops to check that a permit for the roofing work is posted onsite, and there’s no permit to be found? The inspector can immediately shut down all roofing work and send the roofers packing until a permit is issued.
What if the inspector arrives just as the last of your old roof is removed? Your home is left uncovered and unprotected until that permit is pulled. You could be left staring at the stars right from your bed. What if it begins to rain or temperatures climb or fall? A permit is a sure way to avoid avoidable inconvenience. Reroofing without a permit is also a building code violation, and it’s likely that any warranty would be void and non-transferable to a new buyer of your home.
Pulling a roofing permit is an added insurance that your roofing job will be done by the book—the city codebook that is. Depending on your city’s requirements, two to four inspections are involved with the permit. The inspectors are double-checking to ensure your new roof is being installed according to local building codes. This is for your protection and safety.
All reroofs require a permit, and if you ever sell your home, you will need to show that a permit was obtained (or disclose that the reroof was done without a permit or inspections). A typical roofing permit averages around $400 and is included in all Signature Roofing, Inc. estimates. It’s a small and necessary price to pay for the peace of mind it brings.
Don’t turn a blind eye and reroof without permits. If the roofer asks you to pull the permit, refuse. Make sure the roofer is the one who pulls the roofing permit. Before paying the roofing contractor’s final bill, call the city and verify your permit was actually “finaled” and that there are no outstanding building code issues.